The life you save may just be your own!
Deaths from fires and burns are the fifth most common cause of unintentional injury deaths in the United States (CDC 2005) and the third leading cause of fatal home injury (Runyan 2004). The United States mortality rate from fires ranks fourth among the 25 developed countries for which statistics are available (USFA 2007).
The Sound Beach Volunteer Fire Department, Inc. is committed to public education and awareness. We believe that the best fire is the one that is avoided! Learn how to protect you and your family from fire and other disasters. Much of the information in this section has come directly from the U.S. Fire Administration (FEMA) and FireSafety.gov.
Learn About Fire
Every day Americans experience the horror of fire. But most people don’t understand fire. Only when we know the true nature of fire can we prepare ourselves and our families.
Learn More…Fire Extinguishers
Learn about the different types of fire extinguishers and how to properly use them. It is important that you have access to fire extinguishers in highly vulnerable areas of your home like the kitchen.
Learn More…Just for Kids
Each year in the United States an estimated 2,800 children age 14 or younger are injured and 850 killed in residential fires. Click here for an interactive fire safety game!
Learn More…Cooking Fire Safety
Cooking equipment, most often a range or stovetop, is the leading cause of reported home fires and home fire injuries in the United States.
Learn More…Electrical Fire Safety
Electrical fires in our homes claim the lives of 485 Americans each year and injure 2,305 more. There are simple steps you can take to prevent the loss of life and property resulting from electrical fires.
Learn More…Carbon Monoxide
Each year in America, carbon monoxide poisoning claims approximately 480 lives and sends another 15,200 people to hospital emergency rooms for treatment.
Learn More…Holiday and Seasonal Safety Tips
Different hazards can emerge as the season’s change. Fires as the result of poorly maintained Christmas trees to illegal fireworks displays can be deadly. Learn how to enjoy the season and be safe at the same time!
Learn More…Smoke Alarms
In the event of a fire, properly installed and maintained smoke alarms will provide an early warning alarm to your household. This alarm could save your own life!
Learn More…Escape Planning
More than 4,000 Americans die each year in fires, and approximately 20,000 are injured. Deaths resulting from failed emergency escapes are particularly avoidable.
Learn More…Bedroom Fire Safety
Bedrooms are a common area of fire origin. Nearly 600 lives are lost to fires that start in bedrooms. Many of these fires could be prevented by following some simple bedroom fire safety tips.
Learn More…High Rise Fire Safety
Recent fatal fires in high-rise structures have prompted Americans to rethink fire safety. A key to fire safety for those who live and work in these special structures is to practice specific high-rise fire safety and prevention behaviors.
Learn More…Motel and Hotel Fire Safety
When traveling, it is important to become familiar with your surroundings. By reviewing simple safety tips it can assist you in preparing for fire safe traveling.
Learn More…Residential Sprinkler Systems
Schools, office buildings, factories, and other commercial buildings have benefited from fire protection sprinkler systems for over a century. Can your home benefit from one as well?
Learn More…Disaster Planning
Planning for a disaster, whether man-made or as the result of