The SBVFD Explorer Program (Post 500) is a worksite-based program for young men and women who have completed the eighth grade and are 14 years of age, or 15 years of age but have not yet reached their 21st birthday. For young men and women who are interested in careers in the field of fire service, Exploring offers experiential learning with lots of fun-filled, hands-on activities that promote the growth and development of adolescent youth. The program is sponsored by the Sound Beach Volunteer Fire Department and is part of the Boy Scouts of America.
Members of Explorer Post 500 gain first-hand experience of the fire service through regular training sessions taught by experienced and veteran members of the Sound Beach Volunteer Fire Department. Explorers also assist at department functions including the Memorial Day Parade.
For the Explorer Post 500 training and event calendar, please visit our Calendarpage.
To learn more about the Explorer program or to join, please contact us.